My total owned list is sitting just shy of 900, with about 200 left to add.Somewhat embarrassingly, the 2to read" list is 646....  think I have a book buying problem..... Phil Bryden - South Shields, NE34, The United Kingdom (107 books)
I read mostly non-fiction, with an interest in typography, photography and graphic design.
Just finished A History of the World in 100 objects Yes I've been using it a few months now. It's a great way to keep track of what you've read and I've also found out about upcoming book releases from some of my favourite authors. I use the iPhone/iPad app. I am on their also as Jez Holland, i havent fully populated it yet though. as i only started using it this year when i got my e book reader. I'm on there and recently added a couple of avforum people 
Trying to post a link to mine but it won't let me on the ipad for some reason  I've been on it before but totally forgotten about it until now! It's good to finally remember what books that I've wanted to read I'm not the biggest reader.Infact I'm fairly new to all this, so here is my profile.
Harold - Huddersfield, G8, The United Kingdom (15 books) - feel free to add me.Pretty lonely on there at the moment.