Anything else like The Hunger Games?
I've just finished the hunger games series of books, and although I'm not a 12 year old girl, I really enjoyed them.  there any other series like this that are worth a read? I usually read Tom Clancy, Lee Child, Iain M Banks, Matthew Reilly books and the hunger games was a welcome change. I should add, although I have read LOTR, I'm pretty useless at remembering vast numbers of names/clans/places so the game of thrones books are out. Nothing like HG, but as you mention GoT, try Legend by David Gemmell. far lighter than GoT and only a few named characters. Have a look at the Power of Nine series (Lorien Legacies), starting with I Am Number Four.Alternatively, have you read Ender's Game? Thanks, will check that out. Nope not read Ender's game. Will check that out.
Is that the same "I am number 4" as the film that came out a few years back? I haven't seen the film but I think so.I've read the first two books, which are fun - they are the closest I can think of to the Hunger Games.Also, how about Artemis Fowl?Those books are a lot of fun. Legend looks interesting, will give that a try.
Ender's game looks really good too, will try that one as well.
The Lorian Legacies also looks good, and I enjoyed the "I am number four" film, so think I will defo enjoy the books.
Those Artemis Fowl books also look good.
Thanks everyone, some great suggestions. Will get some downloaded on my kindle. I don't think I will be running out of books any time soon.  For the Ender's Game series, is it worth reading in chronological order or release order? I would definitely start with Ender's Game itself and then take it from there.That book has an incredible impact and you don't want to dilute it by reading around it first.Also, I haven't seen the film but I'd definitely recommend reading the book before watching it too, for the same reason.
OTOH if the reviews of the film say the same about that, then feel free to make your own mind up! 