Whats the book you have had the longest and still own?
I loved Enid Blyton and devoured the Five (I think I like the seven better) but prefered Hitchcocks Three Investigators more, but I do not still own any of them, nor the orignial Beano's annuals I had when I was little. I may have bought them all back again :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 but they were not actually mine.So the book that I know is mine and have had for ages, is actually a beat up version of Magician by Raymond E Feist, which my Grandad gave me. It stayed on the shelf for a year until I went to a mates house who was not back when he said he was, and his mum let me up to his room. He had the same book, and while waiting, I read it......the rest is history obviously, and it still sits proud on my shelf today. Hi,
I have a pretty battered copy of the Marvel US comic strip adaptation of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, published in a standard paperback-sized novel format. (All the artwork has been shrunk to fit the pages, which doesn't let you appreciate it as much as you might want too.)
Was originally published in 1980, and I still have it. Don't tend to read it too often, but it's nice to own.
I also have the original film-tie-in novel to Michael Ende's THE NEVER-ENDING STORY from 1984 (the first true novel I ever bought, for a measly £2-50)! Again, it's a bit battered, but still a bit of a fave of mine.
Pooch I've got a a boxset of the Narnina books from my childhood along with my Asterix collection, after that I think it's an early edition of Legend or the Wasp Factory are some of the oldest I own. I guess it would either be Spike Milligan's Adolph Hitler: His Part In My Downfall, or the Complete Sherlock Holmes Short Stories. Non Fiction is probably an encyclopedia which some of the pages are use in the episode of The prisoner (The Girl Who Was Death).
The first fiction book I bought was The War of the World, but the oldest I think I have is Doc Savage title called The Other World by Kenneth Robeson
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Google it!
The book is older than me. Worth a few quid too! When We Were Very Young, by A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepherd I've had since I was about five, so that would have been 1966. And Now we Are Six, I got (surprise) for my sixth birthday. Both are hardback editions. Winnie the Pooh and the House at Pooh Corner I got not long after, although I can't be sure of the chronology. I still have all of them, and they are definitely the books I've owned the longest.
I had lots of others - Famous Fives, Secret Sevens, Narnias etc, but they were paperbacks mostly and didn't survive. I also have a few much older books, from the late 1800s and also the 1930s/40s that I inherited more recently. I still have my school's copy of great expectations. Yes I'm a bad man (I left school 18 years ago!) but I have read it at least 5 times so it's got good use  HMS Ullysses
Complete Sherlock Holmes Raymond E is my hero. I have a beat to sh*t copy that I have read more times than God has made sunsets. OK I may be exaggerating but it was a lot..