Rog69 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:27:33

I had that from new too, it's sat on my bookcase next to me now but unfortunately most of the front cover is gone. I also have the hardback Star Wars - From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker sitting on the shelf next to it.

I think the oldest book that I have owned from new is my copy of The Hobbit published in 1975. It's so careworn and tatty that I don't even dare pull it off the bookshelf for fear of it disintegrating. I had to buy a new copy to read to my kids.

Courtjezter Publish time 25-11-2019 04:27:34

Oldest book of mine i can find, although there may be some in a relatives loft somewhere which i havent found, but it is a paperback version of Lord of the Rings with appendices

With this cover

jenam93 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:27:34

A bible I was given by a great aunt when I was christened about 40 years ago.Not sure it has ever been read.....

DPinBucks Publish time 25-11-2019 04:27:35

Eric Williams: The Wooden Horse, since 1954;
Ian Allen's British Railway Locomotives Combined Volume, 1956

Soundwave Publish time 25-11-2019 04:27:35

I have a massive stack of old Transformers comics which is probably my oldest collection of reading material.

However oldest books would be my hardback copies of Silmarillion, Hobbit & LotR which I got for Christmas in 1988
These were actually written in by the people who gave them to me in the cover so I know exactly when they were 


andy1249 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:27:36

The mention of Bibles above reminded me .... I was given one as a present when I was a child , it went on a shelf and was never opened , I found it in storage a couple of years ago , and opened it. There was a five pound note in it .... and that was a huge amount of money at the time I was given it !!Useless now of course !! Serves me right for being a godless heathen 

HMHB Publish time 25-11-2019 04:27:37

Handbook Of Wireless Telegraphy 1938. I've never read it though and no idea how I came by it!! I think it was my dad's.

DPinBucks Publish time 25-11-2019 04:27:38

That depends on what you mean by useless.No matter how old, it's still valid.If you're lucky, your local bank will exchange it, but at worst the Bank of England will:

Bank of England | Banknotes | More About Banknotes | Exchanging Bank of England banknotes that have been withdrawn from circulation

Cleisthenes Publish time 25-11-2019 04:27:39

The Secret Diary of adrian mole, aged 13 and 3 quarters is probably my longest standing book 

Misty Moo Publish time 25-11-2019 04:27:40

One Hundred and One Dalmations 
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