RBZ5416 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:26:53

What Next After Harry Potter For 11-year-old?

My Granddaughter got completely hooked on Harry Potter earlier in the year & has just finished the last book. So where next? I was thinking of maybe the Tolkien books but this genre really isn't my thing.

Member 79251 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:26:54

How about hunger games ?

FruitBat Publish time 25-11-2019 04:26:55

A couple of threads that might help...



Dony Publish time 25-11-2019 04:26:55

My son "rebelled" and wouldn't read Harry Potter, but instead loved the Skullduggery Pleasant series. I'm not sure how girl-friendly they are though.

sniffer66 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:26:55

The Artemis Fowl and Percy Jackson series were enjoyed by my son after Harry Potter.

And I enjoyed them myself 

RBZ5416 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:26:55

Thanks guys, plenty of food for thought there.

swiftpete Publish time 25-11-2019 04:26:56

I started reading Steven King books about that time. Lots there.

GloopyJon Publish time 25-11-2019 04:26:56

Check out the books by Diane Wynne Jones - they should be good for that age.Also Trudi Canavan writes some nice, easy-going fantasy that my daughter enjoys (maybe start with The Magician's Guild).You could try the Philip Pullman books if she's a good reader.

Kelley Armstrong's books are great, on the supernatural side, starting with Bitten.

On a lighter side, K.E. Mills' Rogue Agent books are fun, starting with Accidental Sorcerer.This is actually a pseudonym for Karen Miller, and the books published under that name are also good.

You could always go back a few years and try her on Anne McCaffrey's Dragon series, starting with Dragonflight.

Finally, if she likes fantasy, try David Eddings, starting with Pawn of Prophecy, the first in the Belgariad.

My daughter, who is 14, has enjoyed all of the above so I hope they will entertain your granddaughter too.

Page Maggot Publish time 25-11-2019 04:26:56

Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell's Young Adult series.
The Edge Chronicles: There are 10 novels in the series and 3 spinoffs.
Paul Stewart

There are three main characters, Quint, Twig and Rook. And it takes part in a fantasy world called The Edge. And on a few pages each chapter there is artwork done by Chris Riddell.
The first three books are:
The Curse of the Gloamglozer.
The Winter Knights.
Clash of the Sky Galleons.

And are about the adventures of Quint and him growing up.

The middle three books are:
Beyond the Deepwoods.
Midnight over Sanctraphrax.

Placed some years in the future and are about Twig.

The last three books are:
The Last of the Sky Pirates.

And feature Rook, also placed some more years in the future.

And not that long ago they brought out a tenth book to seal the series.

The Immortals.

And is about a character called Nate Quarter.

That is not printed order but it is in the right order to read, coming from my own experiance. I loved them when I was growing up and hope other peoples kids can enjoy them aswell. There are both male and female characters so drilliant for either.

They still hold a place of honor on my bookshelves

BT Bob Publish time 25-11-2019 04:26:56

What about Philip Pullman's outstanding His Dark Materials trilogy?

Given that the central character is a young girl, it would seem ideal, They're great stories, IMO.
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