What book to read next ?
Help neededIve never been a big reader, however over last couple of months I have really got into my last few books and probably read 3 or 4 times what I normally do
I have just finished John Grisham "Rogue Lawyer" which I loved have downloaded more Grisham based on it as never read them before, but I dont like reading same author in a row
So can anyone help me find a couple of books within my "range"
Whilst I love fantasy in every other media im not a fan of reading it.
Never really got on with the Game of Thrones books (tried way before the TV), same for Lord of the Rings and Hobbit.Best I have ever managed is Joe Abercrombie, but even then I found that a chore rather than an enjoyment to read
I guess I prefer books set in a "real" world and ideally the current age
I find police procedural novels leave me cold (due to my work) and avoid them as best I can
Im a big fan of the Lee Child novels, however of late they have just been very samey. Same with the Andy McNab books.Both Child and McNab could be described as my "preferred" style of book, however my tastes may have changed.Have recently started and given up on novels by Andy McDermott, James Rollins and Scott Mariani.All of them just felt like they where all written using some form of word template and designed just as books for those who read around the pool in summer
Of books I have read over the last 12 months I would say the following
Girl on the Train.Loved it.Felt different and kept me guessing pretty much up to the end.Like the writing style and the characters and would seek out anything else the author brings out.On the back of that I have tried Gone Girl, The Kind worth Killing and Disclaimer but all 3 again just left me cold
Mr Mercedes.Loved it.Have the next book lined up and it reminded me why as a child I loved Stephen King.Purchased The Stand, The Gunslinger and Bazaar of Bad Dreams off the back of it and will work way through rest of his work that I have missed.
Marky Greaney (Tom Clancy's) Commander in Chief.Enjoyed it.Read all of the Jack Ryan books and love them.Like the multiple characters and the mix of action \ drama.
Have downloaded The Third Option via Vince Flynn and that currently looks like be my next read
So, based on above, anyone able suggest next book I should try.Ideally as well would like something part of a series and ideally UK based if possible but not essential In a similar vein to the Jack Reacher series, take a look at Mark Dawson's John Milton books. He's a Brit - ex-SAS. Some set in the UK, some in other countries.
He's done a separate, but connected series with a female lead (Beatrix Rose). I haven't read any of these yet.
Also, maybe dig out the "Millennium" Trilogy by Steig Larsson - The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, etc. How about Dennis Lehane; he wrote Mystic River and Shutter Island. He also has a series of novels about a private investigator called Patrick Kenzie, one of them was made into the film Gone Baby Gone.
You might also want to take a look at Graham Greene. He has an extensive body of work so there will probably be something that you find interesting. They're not too long or too challenging but they are fantastic reads, real page turners. How about these? MatthewReilly.com ยป Scarecrow Novels Index
I've read them all and really enjoyed them. A bit like Jack Reacher but a bit more far fetched in what the main character can achieve! Still very enjoyable.
In fact, I have enjoyed all his books.  I used to love his stuff.Ice Station is one of few books read more than once and when I first read it it was refreshing (how its never been made into a movie is beyond me)
However they started to get very VERY silly.Im all for action and fast pace but these just took it far to the extreme.I gave up half way through Seven Ancient Wanders, ironically it seems Matthew himself did something similar as its over 5 years since "The Five greatest Warriors) I presume there where going to be, 4, 3, 2 and 1 books at some point Yeah they do get a little silly. I loved Ice Station, and after reading that I read most of the rest of his books. I haven't read the greatest warriors or ancient wonders one. When I saw that I thought you missed the Zebra the end of the book title. Which brings me to the point although an oldie Ice Station Zebra a cracking book and the film was only half(I knew a few people who readthe book that complained about the film and said they missed hell of a lot out the tale) and taken from the spys point of view rather than the captain. I don't think ever read ice station zebra, but did read where eagles dare
I read Tuesday Falling, it was great up to the last fifth or so where the ending letting it down
Currency started the John Milton series Ice Station Zebra was based on Alistair MacLean book Where Eagles Dare book was an based on the film which Burton had asked the producers to find him a action film and Alistair wrote the screenplay at the producers request.