What book are you reading at the moment Pt2
The last thread finished discussing this highly respected member's reading material  Bois said: Finished this , enjoyed it and enjoyed it enough to pick up some more - its darker than the TV show for reference.
Started on the 2nd Aaronvitch book, Moon over Soho, and ripping through that  Click to expand... Currently reading James Bond Novel 'Carte Blanche', released last year.
Really enjoying it, loving the style.
If Deaver's novels are all like this, I may have to investigate more. Keep telling yourself that buddy  I loved those books, and Wizard and Glass was probably my favourite.Just a warning you may be disappointed with the ending.I was, but the journey was worth it.
Reading the synopsis of that book though, it looks like it may live earlier in the timeline than the last book.So it will probably flesh out the universe a bit more.
I have currently got 11/22/63 by King to read, but i have to slog my way through New Moon first, although the writing is a little better than Twilight. I caved in and bought a Kindle yesterday, to improve the amount I read (note: not read any books since the final Harry Potter and before that er ... oops). The bulk of my reading and literary intake appears to be online these days - not really good enough!
Started reading the Steve Jobs biography. I'm neither a lover nor hater of the guy, but I am intrigued to understand a bit more about him. Walter Isaacson seems to write in a style that is enjoyable, but then I'm not too far into it as yet. Nice one mate, you wont regret it, you will end up reading more. As Theydon states, you will def end up reading more.
I read at every opportunity now that I have a Kindle. Yep, I've no doubts about that at all! I bought my then GF (now ex) a Kindle when the revised grey version first came out in September 2010 and thought they were pretty good - decided to have a go myself (thinly veiled with the idea of carrying around my CIMA case study before the exam ... ). Just started The house of silk, by Anthony Horowitz on the train this morning. This is the new Sherlock Holmes novel backed by the Conan Doyle estate and so far, so good! I'm finding the damned thing hard to put down. It's genuinely quite interesting, if not only to read about Jobs' relationship with other 'key players' like Bill Gates. Very amusing, at times, but I won't ruin anything.
Let's just say Mr Jobs was a bit different 