Driving on the right and road positioning problems.
I have just come back from a week in France, having driven on the right for the first ever time.I drove almost every day and whilst I eventually got the hang of everything eventually (especially using my other hand for gear changes), my road positioning always seemed to be a problem.
My wife kept pointing out that I was drifting too far to the right all the time.
Has anyone else had this issue and why might this be?
It never occurred to me that this would be a problem. Had to this problem, takes a while to adjust. What I found useful was checking offside (passenger) mirror for the gap to the line/side of road I've had this in the US. I think it's just spatial awareness and being used to having lots of "space" on your left in a right-hand drive car, so your body just feels more "at home" with more space on that side of your body. After 3 weeks driving in the US with my wife "gently reminding me" (to use her words  ) that I was creeping too far over, I got the message.... Considering you are sitting on the right, isn't the important element that you are comfortable with where you are? Your wife who I assume is sitting to the left of you can't possibly say/see the whole story. I use the road markings as my guide, and yes in a right hand drive vehicle you'll be a bit more aligned with the right of the road compared in left hand drive territory. No problem in that. I find driving in the USA to be a doddle, but throw in a gear stick and I really struggle. Difference there is that you won’t be driving a right hand drive car. If I’m not mistaken that is what the OP was talking about; a RHD in a LHD country. I was unsure as the OP mentioned using their other hand for gear changes. You are quite right. I had that totally wrong. My mistake. Oops.
Same principle applies though, road markings are useful. Sorry, I should have clarified that I hired a car, rather than taking my own.
To be honest, I did set myself a bit of a challenge to begin with - LHD manual car in the South of France, where the roads are particularly narrow.A lot of the drivers, out there, were also less than patient, though that seems to be the case in England, these days.
This was also the first time I have ever driven abroad, too, despite having been driving in this country for well over twenty years, now.
Thanks for you replies/explanations - is reassuring to know that I had a typical issue with making the change and that I would have needed more than just 5 or so days of driving to start feeling comfortable with it. No matter how much I drive in the US, I catch myself drifting towards the edge of the lane. I forget which side right now. The thing is, I don't do it the opposite way round in the UK. It's weird.