Publish time 25-11-2019 00:40:19
Some places in the Greek Islands, like has been mentioned don’t like cards or don’t take cards. It is limited but cash is useful there. Mainstream places work just like here so no need for cash. I use my card wherever I can but as we usually holiday in Greece, I always take some cash, especially for taxis.
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:40:20
Spending is spending, same level of awareness apply everywhere. But hey if cash works better for you then so be it.
With Revolut you can easily check you balance if that is a concern. And with each payment your connected devices don’t just get that confirmation but also a useful daily total. Even easier cash as one doesn’t have to count 
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:40:21
Used Revolut this past week on Zakynthos, accepted in all restaurants and shops so far. Contactless hasn’t been enabled through choice and withdrawing €200 from an ATM resulted in a 1% free so €202.00 in total.
I am rarely blown away by apps but this is a killer, even when they advised they were experiencing some problems processing transactions today, it didn’t affect me.
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:40:21
Fear of pocket skimming?