Publish time 25-11-2019 00:36:56
See in that scenario the express pass is absolutely worth it, but with the wait times I experienced it'd have just been a waste!
Best 3D/4D ride was kong skull island I thought, was so so good!
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:36:56
To be honest, as we spent a few days at Universal we didn't regret not buying the passes. In fact the following week Spring Break was over so the US folks were back at school even though it was still school holidays in UK, so the parks (and queues) were much better, so it all worked out !
Looking forward to doing Kong next year as it and Hulk were not ready last time we were there !
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:36:57
Good article about Volcano Bay, the new Universal water park opening soon. Sounds amazing!
Universal's Volcano Bay: Inside Orlando's newest resort - CNN.com
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:36:57
The volcano itself is friggin' huge too, you can see it peaking over the top of the buildings when driving down (the northern part of) international drive!
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:36:57
Yeah, they were underway with it when we went in October, it is massive!
Pricey though, $67 for adult day pass, $65 for kids! I guess if you literally spend the day though, it's not too bad.
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:36:57
Rather than create a new thread, may as well jump into this thread seeing as there is plenty of relevant participants.
I'm looking to hire an 8 seater car in Orlando as, well, there are 8 of us 
Very easy to find a 7 seater but next step up seems to be what is basically a minibus - 12seater. I just want 8 seats. There are plenty of 8 seater cars on the american automobile market, but I can't find any for hire.
Any ideas of where to look or what companies to check. While on the car hire subject, any watch outs? I'm not too bothered about that full tank return rule or whatever, we'll be covering lots of miles so not like I'm going to be caught out on fuel costs. I'm more concerned about levels of insurance.
Thanks in advance 
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:36:57
All plans coming together now
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:36:58
All I'll say is America isn't somewhere you want to get caught out without the correct level of insurance.
I highly recommend www.alamo.co.uk/brits, after price watching for a long while leading up to booking everything alamo were consistently the cheapest, plus the brits portal give you top level insurance so you're completely covered.
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:36:58
Thanks for that. I'm considering 2 cars rather than a big one. We'll pay double for disney parking but might work out cheaper overall. Found an 8 seater but its 1400 dollars! (2 weeks)
Publish time 25-11-2019 00:36:58
Ouch, that is painful! Keep an eye on prices though as they do fluctuate quite a bit!