A/C Trouble
I have a 2010 Ford Focus SE for quite some time now my air compressor has been running but no cool air. I even put a high low pressure line and they even out. No leaks already tested with a leak dye. Any ideas? Have you had the system recharged? yes four or five different times Needs an AC Specialist to look at it then  Interesting...If you’ve had it re-charged.
Had the dye leak test.
Only other things I can think of is.
Check the relay which actuates the air con clutch.
Hope it helps you.
Regards Would suggest the clutch works? Looking at the compressor it will always turn on the pulley however there is a clutch between the pulley you can see and the actual compressor. The clutch cuts in and out on a regular basis to keep the pressure and temperature of the compressor within operational limits.
On a normal running system if you have the bonnet open you can hear the clutch engage and this is switched in and out by the relay - if your lucky you can change this plug in relay simply and at little cost.
Regards Peter Let us all know if it sorted the problem. Be happy to know. Regards. You did check the obvious didn’t you? For example temperature settings below ambient temperature, air con switch enabled.