Dony Publish time 24-11-2019 23:58:03


dmpzsn Publish time 24-11-2019 23:58:03

Thanks Dony, I used to work with them in the 70's, had to steam clean them to get the sealer off when they were new, if the brake cylinders leaked, it was just a job to wash the brake shoes off with petrol and refit. Not a bad car for a russian but very agricultural.

IronGiant Publish time 24-11-2019 23:58:04


Dony Publish time 24-11-2019 23:58:04

My early memories were that it started to shake if you went over 50mph. The handbrake never seemed to work either.
On the plus side it was built like a tank. My dad was involved in a low speed crash and the other car was written off.

Think he paid something like £850 for it, about 1976 ish.

dmpzsn Publish time 24-11-2019 23:58:05

Yes, I worked on them around 74/5, never test drove them though so can't comment on how they went.

ShanePJ Publish time 24-11-2019 23:58:06

My Grandads Vauxhall Victor FB in this finish. He inherited it from my Great Grandparents back in the late 60’s. What’s scary are the stories from relatives before he gave it to my Grandad was the fact that my Great Grandad who was almost blind used to drive this car around the streets of London with my Great Grandma as his navigator


car-man Publish time 24-11-2019 23:58:06

I worked on the Moskvitch too 


car-man Publish time 24-11-2019 23:58:07

First car I remember from my childhood...Ford Pop 103E ...Not the actual car.

un1eash Publish time 24-11-2019 23:58:08

Dad had a Skoda 120 in white, the one with the engine in the back. He lost the back end into a tree with me and my sister on-board.

Dave Brand Publish time 24-11-2019 23:58:08

No, they are both Cortinas. The first one is an early model, which was originally marketed & badged as the Consul Cortina. The second is the 1964 update, which was the first car to have separate face-level vents & extractors in the rear of the passenger compartment, known as "Aeroflow"
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