icemanonline Publish time 24-11-2019 23:54:35

EGR/DPF new rules in mot after May 2018...

New mot fails/majors coming in for all diesel cars from May 2018....

Hope it's helpful to some


IronGiant Publish time 24-11-2019 23:54:36

Only to anyone that followed FZR's advice  

A useful reminder Ice, but I would hope no-one on here was stupid enough to have their DPF "modified" in the first place.

icemanonline Publish time 24-11-2019 23:54:36

I think we may consider trading in for a modern petrol..........These new 1.0 turbo engines are pretty impressive and fuel efficient...especially the new focus.

Just a thought!!


Delvey Publish time 24-11-2019 23:54:37

On paper. My misses has the 1.2 turbo engine in her Juke. Claimed 52 mpg combined. Current average is 26 mpg. Took it to North Wales and back cruising at 60 mph and averaged 32 mpg.

icemanonline Publish time 24-11-2019 23:54:37

Cheers... Interesting... Might hang back.


Trollslayer Publish time 24-11-2019 23:54:37

I'll stick my Peugeot 308 112HP diesel (unmodified), got a long way to go.

car-man Publish time 24-11-2019 23:54:37

I would research engine problems and head gasket failures before you commit to one of the new Ford engined 1.0 cars.

icemanonline Publish time 24-11-2019 23:54:37

Cheers.Not really done much of anything... Just fed up with these new rules and cost of parts for my 59 plate VX.

Thx for the heads-up


djbsom Publish time 24-11-2019 23:54:38

I've had this engine in a school car and it wasn't far off my expectations.
If you treat it as a normal 1.2 petrol in a small and light bodied shopping car then it will be fairly frugal.
The problems start when you put this unit in a family sized car and use the turbo all the time just to keep up with traffic.
You're better off choosing a larger unit and stressing it less. That way lie smaller fuel bills and increased mechanical reliability.
I leant that lesson early. I had two Rover SD1's (I know, I'm suitably ashamed but I had a large drum kit) and the 3.5 litre V8 used less fuel than the straight 6 2.6 litre. Same weight car but much lower revsin the V8.
I'm a big fan of Renault engines but I wouldn't trust any figures from them.Or anyone else for that matter.

Delvey Publish time 24-11-2019 23:54:38

As djbsom has mentioned, if it is in a small car then you will be fine. But in a larger car I would go for a bigger engine. I know someone with the Juke Nismo and they get better mpg than the 1.2.
I would definitely do an extended test drive with the mpg counter set to 0 before commiting
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