LFC4TUNE Publish time 24-11-2019 23:31:51

Just bought a petrol after 20 years of diesel here in Germany, diesel times are looking shabbier day by day here. Offers on Diesel eco trade in for electro, Hybrid & Petrolis well underway.
City banning a question of months rather than years.

Longy00000 Publish time 24-11-2019 23:31:52

Maybe I'm wrong but all conversations on banning diesel cars in cities is older diesel cars most of which are not dpf equipped and dong have 'adblu'which negates massively the nitro outputs and these cars aren't the ones being targeted.
I read an article recently by a lab that sets itself up as the 'real world' tester if emissions with all readings being done out on the road and big 3 litre Mercedes was putting out about 20% of the crap that a Nissan juke 1.5 diesel does when both cars were brand new. Go figure ?

Lee Publish time 24-11-2019 23:31:52

I've got this dilemma on the go right now. My aging mondeo diesel estate is ready to be changed and I only want another mondeo. Main issue I have is there is only 1 petrol estate on Autotrader, within age range, spec and budget, in the country and obviously hundreds of diesels.

Not looking forward to a greatly reduced mpg if I go for a petrol. Good news for the government though with the increased tax i'll be paying.

mjn Publish time 24-11-2019 23:31:53

The Government know that when we swap from diesel to petrol, we'll be using plenty more petrol, thus they'll be raking in more tax whilst at the same time, saving the environment.

Theseus Publish time 24-11-2019 23:31:54

You're not wrong, it's the older diesels that London for one will be taxing. There was an article recently which showed the emissions test on an old car meeting the emissions standards but failing due to age. Surely that's not right if the goal is to pollute less.

gibbsy Publish time 24-11-2019 23:31:54

I've just taken delivery of my fourth diesel car a Golf GTD. I think I'm doing so on a green issue. Have you seen today's headlines.
Carbon dioxide levels rise at record pace to worst in three million years
Now I'm not a conspiracy theorist so is it just coincidence or is it the latest rush to buy poxy low powered petrol engines? Come on lads, buy a diesel and save the planet.

Faust Publish time 24-11-2019 23:31:55

Newer petrols can match diesels on mpg.

un1eash Publish time 24-11-2019 23:31:56

I can't think of any petrols that can match a diesels mpg, like for like power wise.

KyleS1 Publish time 24-11-2019 23:31:57

I’ve just sold a 14 year old diesel and about to buy a nearly new one. Although this thread has me second thinking my decision!

Faust Publish time 24-11-2019 23:31:57

Brave decision IMO. Lots of towns and cities drawing up plans to restrict/price diesels off the road.
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