BMW 320D new battery needed?
Hi guys quick question when i leave my car unused for more than one day i get this swirl symbol on the panel when i am about to start it and it takes a slplit second to start ...also when i turn the engine off and use the battery on its own listening to the radio ..I get a low battery symbol....obviously the battery is goneany ideas where i can get a new battery and how much its likely to cost thanks..
P.S what is the model and make number i should get Stick your registration plate in at a site like this: Car Batteries - Motorcycle Batteries - Leisure Batteries - Cheap Prices!but I would also cross reference with Halfords to check they come up with the same specs.Even that is no guarantee that everything matches.You will need to measure the physical dimensions of the current battery and even check that the terminals are the same way round. Be aware I think the batteries need coding to the car on BMWs Age of car? but likely needs an AGM battery at around £180 and the car will need coding to say its had a new battery and possibly different capacity unless you get like for like.
Ps. The swirl symbol is just the glow plug warming light. Yes most BMW need the battery coding which a good indy can do for you its a early 2011 model ..thanks for the reply guys i think it needs an AGM battery and yes it needs coding If it’s stop/start which it’s almost curtainly we’ll be then an agm battery is a must. if I remember they're the 110 agm,might be wrong it's been a while..110 AGM Car Batteries yes it is stop/start wah...bloody expensive AGM batteries £299 cheapest 