outoftheknow Publish time 24-11-2019 23:23:44

Yes it’s something car manufacturers haven’t thought about in many cases....

My current Skoda is ok on both - I am waiting for delivery of the new one with the “virtual cockpit” (LCD display in place of dials and everything else behind steering wheel) and am already wondering if they have thought about polarised sunglasses on the new one. Never sure if the current one was just good luck or actually planned 

You can see the effect with some screens outside the house and car too. Some used at train stations for example. In Sydney I noticed most were invisible until I tilted my head - but rather randomly some were fine.........

mjn Publish time 24-11-2019 23:23:45

Wear glasses with non-polarised lenses?

CarlB Publish time 24-11-2019 23:23:46

When you switch off the engine the Mini HUD retracts into the dash, so no problems with cleaning.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 24-11-2019 23:23:46

That mini one looks like a cheap aftermarket version, I don't like that at all...


It really depends as to how much you have to rely on it. I find that the standard dial location is just fine. The occasional glimpse at Satnav instructions in-between the dials does the trick as well.

But if you are one of those drivers who put their phone/mobile Satnav device right in their line of sight you may like this.

An unobtrusive HUD implemented well can be useful, but personally I wouldn't spent extra cash on one. Especially not at the non-windscreen 'fake' hud that the mini does.

Dony Publish time 24-11-2019 23:23:46

I only discovered this at the end of Sept when I got my car and I just haven't got around to buying new sunglasses yet.

Mark F Publish time 24-11-2019 23:23:47

Whenever I’ve bought sunglasses in Spec Savers they’ve always told me not to buy polarised as you can’t drive in them (and this wasnt a HUD specific thing) so the moral of the story is, should have gone to Spec Savers.Sorry, couldn’t resist .
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