VW shares plummet after being caught out.
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/19/business/volkswagen-is-ordered-to-recall-nearly-500000-vehicles-over-emissions-software.html?_r=0It would appear that their ECUs were set to favourably alter the settings when being tested for emissions  
It's being reported that billions have been wiped off the value of their shares. Yes, something like a possible $37000 fine per CAR and having sold millions of cars..... I have a sneaking suspicion that they won't be the last...
A manufacturer we work with has often wondered how the same basic diesel engine they fit can produce much better results in another manufacturer's vehicle. There is a fair chance that there has been a major cover up involving quite a few marques... This ain't the first time. I highly doubt VW are the only ones.
Nine out of 10 new diesel cars exceed EU pollution limits, report finds
Why aren't the government encouraging LPG, or LPG hybrids, oh wait they need the near 60p/l tax . I thought it was well know that cars had 'test modes' - e.g. not enabling turbos when run in test conditions for mpg etc.Why is this a massive surprise today? So VW might not have the cash to fund an F1 team ???? Surely this will affect the rest of the company's under the VW name, Seat, Skoda, Audi etc to? I wonder how they actually did it though? And will the cars perform the same after they have been 'fixed'? It can't have been secret with half a million cars over ten years in the US alone.You have to ask why now?Is there some kind of statute of limitations in the States?Perhaps they have been waiting until they can maximise the fine?
There has to be some explanation other than "we have only just discovered they have been flouting the law for a decade". Mind you the VW top dog standing their saying " we screwed up" doesn't help.
They didn't screw up, that implies a level of genuine error.They deliberately and wantonly placed these things in their cars knowing full well what they do and how they work. And what about cars from other manufacturers with comparable emissions figures?