Publish time 24-11-2019 23:01:27
Maybe I didn’t say it right. I believe best tyres go on the driven wheels. Apart from some like mjn and yourself I find those spouting on about the intricacies of where tyres go (and modding is mentioned here quite a bit) tend to be the knobheads I referred to.
It makes no difference where they put the tyres - they can’t drive a standard car to its limits safely let alone their modded one with the exact tyres on the exact axle.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:01:28
Then you are wrong.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:01:28
Agree Bl4ckGryph0n.In heavy rain going to Birmingham on what seamed like the only cold day It see plenty of non kn*heads in the crash barrier, well 4.
I guess they didn't understand why their tyres would lack grip in the conditions and why the cars might loose control.
Many seam unable or unwilling to research advice given , sticking will some dodgy advice.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:01:29
My twopence,
Would you rather hit a tree head on
hit a tree side on,
So depending on the answer you put your tyres on the relevant end.
(always put newer tyres on the rear, so you understeer rather than oversteer into a corner)
In reality, the majority of us will likely never push a car to its physical limits so it really doesn't matter that much so the third view is to whack them on wherever.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:01:30
You don't need to be 'pushing' to loose control. Hit a diesel spill and you may as well be on ice. Best tyres to the rear. Always.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:01:31
I presume this is all marginal, ie if your car has different size tyres front to rear then don’t worry too much. Do it if you can but doesn’t mean I’d have to replace rears as well if having new fronts?
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:01:31
Hit a diesel spill and it doesn’t matter what tyres you’ve got on!!Only happened the once to me and i was going in a straight line. Thefront of the car just started going sideways. Thankfully my lane was affected too much by the spill.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:01:32
About where tyres go or about knobheads on the road?
If it is about where to put tyres, we have a different opinion obviously. 
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:01:33
If I was planning to hit a tree, I would rather not see it coming lol.
Doug the D
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:01:34
Imo, the material that surrounds your rims is important, but not as important as the material between your ears.
I accept that black ice and diesel spills are out there, but if you were driving well in the first place, they simply become an easily predictable and easy to deal with hazard. Black ice in the depths of winter on recently wet roads? Wow, who’d have thought it? Hoon off of a roundabout in the freezing cold, in a place where the roads normally deteriorate faster than the straight stretch preceding and following the roundabout, then you’re asking for trouble.
For the most part, I’d humbly suggest that if you’re driving to the limit at where your tyres break traction and you are at risk of losing control, then at best you’re not driving to the road conditions, at worst, probably (likely), you’re breaking the law...
Too many people are quick to blame mechanical reasons for the laws of physics catching up with them, without reflecting on the part their driving behaviours played. IMHO of course.
Also a RoSPA Gold holder, with 20years experience 