Publish time 24-11-2019 22:58:03
If I could hand on hard say that I represented everything accurately, and had it insured for a higher market value, and the insurance company chooses to give me a much lower values, then that is indeed one thing I'd request from them. Along the lines of 'Sure, I'd be happy to accept on the condition that you can actually provide me with an equivalent vehicle for that amount. However if you can't then I'd expect you to pay me out against my self declared market valuation upon which our contract as executed in the form of the insurance policy is based.'
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:58:04
Sorry I dont know the exact model but it did have a few extras.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:58:05
I would kindly suggest to double check that with your daughter, and help her double check the paperwork in both what she submitted and what the insurance company is using. There seems to be a huge discrepancy somewhere.
No need to report back in my opinion, it doesn't make any difference to us. However there is a real possibility it could make a huge difference to your daughter.
I hope that possibility is there and she can get a bit more out of them so she is not out of pocket. 
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:58:05
So we have an update.
My daughters claim went to Sheila’s Wheels and she had a letter saying they would take a look and get in contact with a response. My daughter had the response by phone from the very same guy who called her originally and upset her with his attitude.
My daughter was having a bit of a bad day at work and she took every ounce of her frustration out on him. Cutting it short she should of gotten £11,700 for her car but was only given less.
He agreed that another £840 would be paid to her in 5 working days.
Roughly as a total she got around £1600 which is what a few of you were saying. They also stated they had her car as a Fiat 500 Abarth and not a Abarth 595, but that may not of made a huge difference.
All I don’t think she would of kept going with this if it wasn’t for all your advice.
Thank you all.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:58:06
A bit of a result then.
Glad she got some more.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:58:07
I still think she also needs to speak to the finance house though.
The insurer has now paid out another £840, but imho, the settlement figure they gave the insurer was wrong.
Now was this wrong intentionally as they knew the insurer was taking over?
And that was what I was trying to get at. She only borrowed £9000, there is no way the settlement could have been £9800.
Unless of course the finance house and insurer have spoke with each other and the finance house is paying that back through the insurer because they know they have been found out?
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:58:07
I still think that they have the car wrong as that amount is too low for what it was. There is no way you can market buy her model for that amount. But weird that they had it wrong and were willing to pay more, normally they would go after you for being underinsured.
But hey ho, if she is happy that is all that matters.