andyparksy Publish time 22-11-2019 04:57:21

Have PM'd you Tom Tom, but not got anything through yet.......

Is there a way to join directly with a league code etc?

Looking forward to start of preseason tonight - I know it means nothing but it's when I know the season is near!

Tom Tom Publish time 22-11-2019 04:57:22

@Tom Tom@domtheone@booyaka@Sebastalona@andyparksy@Stulock Holmes@Diagnosticz@mike2104@mike2014 Brother@ShaunySSo we are waiting on 1 to register with the site but I can then set the draft up.

Looking at the Doodle poll,

The day we can fit most people in are Mondays followed by Friday and Sunday.

So before the season starts that would be
Monday the 20th / Friday 24th / Sunday 26th
Monday 27th (bank holiday) / Friday 31st / Sunday 2nd
Monday the 3rd

domtheone Publish time 22-11-2019 04:57:23

Is this basically a time when everyone can be online together to pick their team?

If so, Friday 31st or Sunday 2nd best for me.I could probably do most of the other days too at a push (apart from this coming Monday).

Tom Tom Publish time 22-11-2019 04:57:23

Yes, we normally start at about 8pm and it lasts about an hour.

Diagnosticz Publish time 22-11-2019 04:57:24

I think the Friday 31st and 2nd/3rd sept is also good for me but whatever day is agreed on by most i will make sure i am free

Tom Tom Publish time 22-11-2019 04:57:24

So I have set it for 8pm on Sunday the 2nd Sept (but this is not in stone yet, but just gives us a point to start arguing! )

booyaka Publish time 22-11-2019 04:57:24

Tried a mock draft today - was good fun picking team but everyone seemed to pick RB/WR before QB's etc

Tom Tom Publish time 22-11-2019 04:57:25

I could answer this for you......

Diagnosticz Publish time 22-11-2019 04:57:25

I think 2nd sept is good the later the better, with two weeks of pre season still to go and with startersplaying in the first quarter of games injuries do happen. Best to have the draft after pre season having an injury free roster

mike2104 Publish time 22-11-2019 04:57:25

Would anyone object if this started at 830? Got a money league drafting at 730....if not I'll pre enter my picks
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