- Brilliant (0Replies)
- killer instinct: really guilty pleasure (0Replies)
- not atypical (0Replies)
- Fantastic (0Replies)
- Brilliant (0Replies)
- 3 seasons only (0Replies)
- Gave up after two episodes (0Replies)
- Dark Spirited Lazy British Trash (0Replies)
- Unfunny (0Replies)
- The first 4 seasons were great, but after that ...... (0Replies)
- 8 based on the first few series (0Replies)
- Would loooove to shop here (0Replies)
- Season 4 .........Mark my words, it's over ! (0Replies)
- Off Your Trolley If You Don't Watch This (0Replies)
- very funny (0Replies)
- Good, Good and then So So Bad (0Replies)
- First two series funny rest is poor (0Replies)
- What happened? (0Replies)
- An excellent revival of a great series (0Replies)
- Supermarkets in a nutshell and a nutcracker for it (0Replies)