FWIW, it may take a while to be proficient at Weddings or Corporates...so it may be prudent to offer yourself to an established film-maker - as a helping-hand . . . . at least until you can be relied-on for critical shots.
Getting the Folks into position can be a full-time job and if you are presentable, this will help smooth the day.
Don't expect much pay - you are learning - and to start with you won't know much about any of the Kit. Be prepared to learn slowly.
The only snag ( with a Mac ) is the software will be expensive - many Pro-packages are moving to "Subscription" and this means any irregular-user pays the same as Pros { DYOR }.
-For a lot less money the Win-PC can have good facilities as well as lower-cost.
The snag with giving folks any Memory-stick, or "On-Line" is that once your footage is seen it loses value... and why do they need to see it again anyway? If there are any faults, these are difficult to erase and unless you have a second camera-operator (who know what to do before it happens!), you will miss events/happenings which the Guests will have on their SmartPhones.
Unless you are really excellent at the job, it is unlikely to be a long-term primary career, IMHO....the cost of kit is just too high.
- but Good Luck. |