This ceiling-mount may appear to be the solution, being further away from the vibration source.... However, until tried, you can't know the ceiling isn't moving also - It all depends on the construction and how far you are from the wall-connection to ceiling support beams.
Viewing your clip, I wonder that you don't give a view from the front of the piano - that's the normal view when you see a piano in a room - and anyone that's attempted to play one will have many books similarly orientated. This can be achieved in Edit by changing the frame-orientation 180 degrees.... do this for a single clip, or more conveniently for one, or more tracks: "Ceiling-1" etc.
Conventionally, the best camcorder/camera is used as "Master" and this will have the best mic connected; as Terfyn suggested, it gives a sync'd track for editing. However, if the digital recorder sounds better, the tracks can be swapped easily enough while preserving alignment.
With modern camcorders ( yes, even HD ), you can apply a degree of zoom-in during Edit, so as to give the audience a better view - but if it's too much, you might want to use the Optical Zoom and play just those pieces where the fingering is particularly interesting (( I suspect this might include the very last note )).
Finally, the ceiling-mount appears to be what you need.... buy be aware of safety...anything mounted above should have a safety-wire to a stout anchor-point that is independent of the (camera-support). This must be flexible to prevent inadvertent movement, and short enough that it is clear of heads, lights, etc. IF/WHEN it is the only thing holding-up. Stainless-steel wire ropes about 3mm dia should be sufficient for almost any gear we are likely to be using.
Good luck.... |