Always a sucker for something out of the ordinary, 3 years ago I bought a used HC V510 for £70. My interest was in the advertised 50x optical zoom (and of course, 80x Intelligent Zoom...!). Being the same make as my HC-X900 with a modest 12x optical zoom, I reckoned that I could swap the memory card from one camera to the other, and see on screen what difference there was. I used a tripod to point the cameras at the same feature and was pleasantly surprised when I viewed the results on a TV screen later. (Both cameras claimed similar wide-angles of view.)
The compact HC-V510 is not blessed with a viewfinder, so for videoing small garden wildlife, it's worth making use of the Tele Macro feature - accessed via the Menu and Touch Screen, with the camera mounted on a tripod. Using it to capture video of butterflies visiting my garden, it's worked well focusing on and getting the flower and butterfly in focus. Better than that, on later TV viewing, I've seen micro-ants and similar on the flower which my eyes certainly didn't see at the time.
A similar feature with the same name is available on my HC-X900, but that doesn't have anywhere near such a high ratio optical zoom, and is much less useful. |