Failed movie vehicle for piano-playing Liberace, then a popular fixture on American television. Based on Jules Eckert Goodman's play "The Man Who Played God", story concerns a grinning pianist (guess who?) finding himself caught in a love-triangle between two ladies (Joanne Dru and Dorothy Malone), but real tragedy is about to strike. Beautifully-photographed but hopelessly hokey showcase for Li just doesn't cut it in the melodrama department. For the fans who still mourn his act, there IS an onslaught of piano-playing here, and that may be enough to satisfy those in the requisite moony-eyed spirit. As for Liberace's acting...well, let's just say as an actor he's a terrific piano-player. *1/2 from ****
score 2/10
moonspinner55 4 July 2001
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw0056395/ |