Not really a sequel to Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla. This is a sequel to the films in this series. Mecha-Ghidorah is raised from the sea by a newly appointed G-Force, a Japanese government agency designed to deal with Godzilla. They start to build Mechagodzilla, just as a mutant Pteranodon is discovered and her egg taken. Just so happens this is actually a baby Godzilla egg. I love the baby Godzilla in this film. Sure it looks strange, but it should. With its wide beady eyes and gormless smile. Rodan's flying scenes, and the battles, are yet a greater testament against CGI. These films do not seek perfection and they inspire the imagination. Films are truly trying to replace the imagination these days, rather than aid it. Watch a Godzilla movie to start your detox.
score 8/10
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain 13 December 2011
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw2531821/ |