Unsettling as it is challenging. Beautiful as it is uniquely disturbing. This is a film few may get on the surface--- unless you've seen a few ambiguous types of horror--- where the layers of reality versus what is channeling levels of occultism, possibly brought on by family's mental illness? Or is it reality...
Everything is blurred just enough where the viewer isn't entirely let in, until,
that is, the timelines begin to intersect.
This film delivers on just about every level of what is a true auteur making his vision of what is true to himself, and not bowing to tropes or studio pressure.
Immerse yourself into Grahams story and not only will it terrify, it delivers. Hagazussa was a recent film that delivered in a similar fashion for me, both with cinematograpic excellence and an underlying low-end drone backscore that defines what is a true sense of dread throughout. This is not for the fan of traditional or nu-horror, but one of film independence, bringing atmosphere like few can, and staying true to your vision with a tale that keeps the viewer engrossed while nothing is quite clearly defined. This is a true masterwork that some will truly appreciate (read it took 6 years to make), and some will have difficulty with. This felt like a film that was made for me. It's exactly what I want in horror.
Solid and taut directing that has me wanting more from Jordan Graham.
9.5 stars.
score 9/10
MK_Ultra_ 11 February 2021
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw6584346/ |