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The tragic tale of Brandon Heat and Harry McDowell Mobile post Tweekums 20-10-2020 0136 Tweekums 20-10-2020 02:44
interesting story, awesome ending Mobile post jamescobrin 20-10-2020 0120 jamescobrin 20-10-2020 02:44
Underrated Mobile post musicbefit 20-10-2020 0141 musicbefit 20-10-2020 02:44
Vampire Hunter D meets Universal Soldier Mobile post siderite 20-10-2020 0119 siderite 20-10-2020 02:44
Love it AND hate it Mobile post johalosie 20-10-2020 0112 johalosie 20-10-2020 02:44
two friends Harry and Brandon become members of the mafia called the millenuim then Harry kills Brandon,Brandon comes back from the grave as Beyond the Grave and gets revenge. Mobile post nebsu_7 20-10-2020 0118 nebsu_7 20-10-2020 02:44
watch berserk or hellsing or shigurui instead-- gungrave is pretty good drama with mediocre action and weak "science fiction" elements Mobile post S_Craig_Zahler 20-10-2020 099 S_Craig_Zahler 20-10-2020 02:44
One of best animes ever made Mobile post OrewaShinobi 20-10-2020 083 OrewaShinobi 20-10-2020 02:44
Gungrave is a wonderful cult anime based off the game of the same name.*SPOILERS* Mobile post zephyrsystemsnet 20-10-2020 0137 zephyrsystemsnet 20-10-2020 02:44
Explanation of the first episode. Mobile post rellix-1 20-10-2020 097 rellix-1 20-10-2020 02:44
An Anime that Reflects the Main Character Mobile post merkonfire 20-10-2020 097 merkonfire 20-10-2020 02:44
Full with clichés, but still a highly enjoyable experience Mobile post Ryu_Darkwood 20-10-2020 095 Ryu_Darkwood 20-10-2020 02:44
Into the Grave Mobile post dimagic 20-10-2020 088 dimagic 20-10-2020 02:44
The best of the best of the best i ever watched In my entire life. Mobile post bbcqta1 20-10-2020 090 bbcqta1 20-10-2020 02:44
Perhaps the greatest anime of all time Mobile post esp013 20-10-2020 091 esp013 20-10-2020 02:44
A rare gem Mobile post BiggestLebowski 20-10-2020 083 BiggestLebowski 20-10-2020 02:44
My Second Favorite Anime Series!!! Mobile post graceseeker23 20-10-2020 095 graceseeker23 20-10-2020 02:44
one the most brilliant animes on this planet Mobile post thatheo 20-10-2020 0105 thatheo 20-10-2020 02:44
Anime of GRAVEn proportions Mobile post InzyWimzy 20-10-2020 070 InzyWimzy 20-10-2020 02:44
An Anime Masterpiece Of Our Generation Mobile post GunGriever 20-10-2020 079 GunGriever 20-10-2020 02:44
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