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Not Good Mobile post fcabanski 25-10-2020 092 fcabanski 25-10-2020 15:21
not impressed Mobile post sanchez_paola 25-10-2020 075 sanchez_paola 25-10-2020 15:21
better than the last one Mobile post faheem-prince95 25-10-2020 090 faheem-prince95 25-10-2020 15:21
Good "Remake", US voices lack quality and timing, art direction is 10. Mobile post sanchesspurio 25-10-2020 085 sanchesspurio 25-10-2020 15:21
Decent reboot/remake of the original series. Mobile post krachtm 25-10-2020 077 krachtm 25-10-2020 15:21
Miss it Mobile post boydewell 25-10-2020 073 boydewell 25-10-2020 15:21
snarf Mobile post dlauer_93 25-10-2020 087 dlauer_93 25-10-2020 15:21
Season 1 was great! Mobile post toronto_ghostbuster 25-10-2020 067 toronto_ghostbuster 25-10-2020 15:21
Not much Thunder in these Cats Mobile post Fluke_Skywalker 25-10-2020 051 Fluke_Skywalker 25-10-2020 15:21
A reboot that actually worked. Mobile post Java_Joe 25-10-2020 061 Java_Joe 25-10-2020 15:21
In response to the last review... Mobile post davidermold 25-10-2020 063 davidermold 25-10-2020 15:21
Terrific remake of an 80s classic Mobile post thundercatslair-org 25-10-2020 067 thundercatslair-org 25-10-2020 15:21
Excellent re-boot and almost as good as the original series Mobile post TheLittleSongbird 25-10-2020 058 TheLittleSongbird 25-10-2020 15:21
Simply Amazing Mobile post jakehickenbottom-799-709586 25-10-2020 073 jakehickenbottom-799-709586 25-10-2020 15:21
Amazingly detailed Mobile post koriandr_star 25-10-2020 066 koriandr_star 25-10-2020 15:21
A quality cartoon Mobile post moonknight-4 25-10-2020 067 moonknight-4 25-10-2020 15:21
Emotionally charged darker incarnation Mobile post amesmonde 25-10-2020 056 amesmonde 25-10-2020 15:21
A great reboot. Mobile post imran-billion 25-10-2020 063 imran-billion 25-10-2020 15:21
A good and underrated remake Mobile post Rectangular_businessman 25-10-2020 067 Rectangular_businessman 25-10-2020 15:21
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE BRING IT BACK!!!! Mobile post ColtPython82 25-10-2020 065 ColtPython82 25-10-2020 15:21
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