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What is wrong with Netflix? Mobile post otnememento-2 15-11-2020 085 otnememento-2 15-11-2020 13:37
I've cried so, so much - and laughed through my tears Mobile post hmb-51778 15-11-2020 078 hmb-51778 15-11-2020 13:36
Storyteller Mobile post borademir-16478 15-11-2020 0100 borademir-16478 15-11-2020 13:28
Great Turkish Show Mobile post mertsolmazz 15-11-2020 0106 mertsolmazz 15-11-2020 13:28
Many thanks to Berkun Oya and actors! Mobile post abluefish-09599 15-11-2020 098 abluefish-09599 15-11-2020 13:28
Öykü Karayel Mobile post bedomaista 15-11-2020 0113 bedomaista 15-11-2020 13:28
Summarize Mobile post nursemaakyol 15-11-2020 0120 nursemaakyol 15-11-2020 13:28
Hit Turkish society like a ton of bricks Mobile post alaaddinokur-324-378970 15-11-2020 0110 alaaddinokur-324-378970 15-11-2020 13:28
The Best Turkish Series Ever Mobile post selinstrkl 15-11-2020 0100 selinstrkl 15-11-2020 13:28
Totally masterpiece Mobile post NebulousWindmill 15-11-2020 095 NebulousWindmill 15-11-2020 13:28
Elite, Elegant, Excellent ... Mobile post hakansohretli 15-11-2020 0107 hakansohretli 15-11-2020 13:28
The best series ever Mobile post abdulla-almahmeed 15-11-2020 0109 abdulla-almahmeed 15-11-2020 13:28
The best on Netflix so far! Mobile post akayzeynep 15-11-2020 087 akayzeynep 15-11-2020 13:28
Superb Mobile post selo-46720 15-11-2020 088 selo-46720 15-11-2020 13:28
Ethos and "ethos" Mobile post denizermis 15-11-2020 091 denizermis 15-11-2020 13:28
Incredible Mobile post me-06299 15-11-2020 0102 me-06299 15-11-2020 13:28
Best Turkish Production Ever Mobile post nehiryaprakhanbay 15-11-2020 0104 nehiryaprakhanbay 15-11-2020 13:28
Beautiful and touching movie Mobile post farnazdayani1 15-11-2020 095 farnazdayani1 15-11-2020 13:28
I ran to review this after watching only the first episode Mobile post gulinlangbroek 15-11-2020 090 gulinlangbroek 15-11-2020 13:28
Pure realistic drama.. Mobile post henryq8 15-11-2020 0102 henryq8 15-11-2020 13:28
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