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Mind Over Matter in Reality Show! Mobile post ShelbyTMItchell 23-12-2020 0133 ShelbyTMItchell 23-12-2020 23:19
New USA Reboot is Ho Hum Mobile post lynda441 23-12-2020 0117 lynda441 23-12-2020 23:19
Proof that Television sucks these days. Mobile post fireblazer666 23-12-2020 0114 fireblazer666 23-12-2020 23:19
Loser is right!!!! Mobile post darin-wissbaum 23-12-2020 0115 darin-wissbaum 23-12-2020 23:19
Kelly is hot! Mobile post psmith68 23-12-2020 0139 psmith68 23-12-2020 23:19
The biggest loser is you for watching this trash. Mobile post TVSeriesFTW 23-12-2020 0123 TVSeriesFTW 23-12-2020 23:19
Should be more popular than it is now. Mobile post batudingin 23-12-2020 0132 batudingin 23-12-2020 23:19
A great show and inspirational in some aspects. Mobile post boondock_saint_la 23-12-2020 0147 boondock_saint_la 23-12-2020 23:19
Entertaining.. Interesting.. Mobile post mirosuionitsaki2 23-12-2020 0132 mirosuionitsaki2 23-12-2020 23:19
A great inspiration. Mobile post peaceloverasta27 23-12-2020 0154 peaceloverasta27 23-12-2020 23:19
I'm commenting on the person who says this isn't a healthy way to lose weight Mobile post bphillips1983 23-12-2020 0144 bphillips1983 23-12-2020 23:19
Biggest Loser is a Total Winner! Mobile post Innuendo88 23-12-2020 0117 Innuendo88 23-12-2020 23:19
The Biggest Loser-inspirational, but could be so much better! Mobile post whysyourhatwet 23-12-2020 0129 whysyourhatwet 23-12-2020 23:19
The wrong idea for a "health" show Mobile post Asteri-Atypical 23-12-2020 0101 Asteri-Atypical 23-12-2020 23:19
Natalie complains way too much about every challenge. Mobile post jmdelong-1 23-12-2020 0138 jmdelong-1 23-12-2020 23:19
Trash TV were the Villain of the Season wins Mobile post hmb-51778 23-12-2020 0139 hmb-51778 23-12-2020 23:19
Good points and bad Mobile post the_frog_princess 23-12-2020 0125 the_frog_princess 23-12-2020 23:19
Amazing kids, challenges, and hosts Mobile post mattmrm 23-12-2020 0140 mattmrm 23-12-2020 23:19
Cute show Mobile post rken42 23-12-2020 0131 rken42 23-12-2020 23:19
Great show! Mobile post deminsky 23-12-2020 0124 deminsky 23-12-2020 23:19
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