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Lee Van Cleef the only positive in a disappointing western Mobile post The_Void 28-2-2021 069 The_Void 28-2-2021 12:07
4.5 out of 5 action rating Mobile post scheelj1 28-2-2021 077 scheelj1 28-2-2021 12:07
"A wise man keeps his pistons". Mobile post lost-in-limbo 28-2-2021 063 lost-in-limbo 28-2-2021 12:07
Richoet career for Lee Van Cleef Mobile post Poe-17 28-2-2021 061 Poe-17 28-2-2021 12:07
Warning! wet yourself laughing entertainment coming up! Mobile post SciFiSheriff 28-2-2021 065 SciFiSheriff 28-2-2021 12:07
Lukewarm Spaghetti Mobile post FightingWesterner 28-2-2021 070 FightingWesterner 28-2-2021 12:07
Master gunslinger takes on thieving gang Mobile post helpless_dancer 28-2-2021 085 helpless_dancer 28-2-2021 12:07
One of the greatest spaghetti westerns Mobile post TankGuy 28-2-2021 074 TankGuy 28-2-2021 12:07
Life is only worthwhile when you can face death without showing any fear. Mobile post lastliberal 28-2-2021 058 lastliberal 28-2-2021 12:07
One of Lee Van Cleef's Superior Non-Sergio Leone Spaghetti Westerns! Mobile post zardoz-13 28-2-2021 060 zardoz-13 28-2-2021 12:07
This ain't your grandfather's Western Mobile post bensonmum2 28-2-2021 063 bensonmum2 28-2-2021 12:07
Superior Italian Western Mobile post LARSONRD 28-2-2021 071 LARSONRD 28-2-2021 12:07
Excellent entertainment and as always, Lee Van Cleef is magnificent. Mobile post ferryman-999 28-2-2021 075 ferryman-999 28-2-2021 12:07
The man in black with a few tricks up his sleeve Mobile post General Urko 28-2-2021 056 General Urko 28-2-2021 12:07
lee van cleefs best movie since the good, the bad and the ugly Mobile post LosDiablo 28-2-2021 060 LosDiablo 28-2-2021 12:07
Mighty fine spaghetti western Mobile post johnwaynefreak 28-2-2021 056 johnwaynefreak 28-2-2021 12:07
One of the better westerns to come out of Italy Mobile post dbborroughs 28-2-2021 079 dbborroughs 28-2-2021 12:07
This first Sabata directed by Gianfranco Parolini is very amusing and entertaining Mobile post ma-cortes 28-2-2021 077 ma-cortes 28-2-2021 12:07
Van Cleef Rules! Mobile post ster2001 28-2-2021 070 ster2001 28-2-2021 12:07
Original Sabata film is the best Mobile post funkyfry 28-2-2021 066 funkyfry 28-2-2021 12:07
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