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good acting, good music, compelling story line and lots of fun. Mobile post recordo 3-3-2021 091 recordo 3-3-2021 00:05
You can't silent scream all the way to the bank Mobile post laddie5 3-3-2021 087 laddie5 3-3-2021 00:05
You can't say it isn't entertaining Mobile post FANatic-10 3-3-2021 089 FANatic-10 3-3-2021 00:05
Sure it's schmaltzy, but what else would you expect from a Liberace movie? Mobile post thinman2001 3-3-2021 091 thinman2001 3-3-2021 00:05
Overrated film - lots of potential with little follow-through Mobile post kergillian 3-3-2021 0101 kergillian 3-3-2021 00:05
A Disturbing But Moving Story of a Child's Forced Maturation Mobile post lawprof 3-3-2021 089 lawprof 3-3-2021 00:05
a picture of a country Mobile post annabortoletto 3-3-2021 082 annabortoletto 3-3-2021 00:05
It could be (much) better! Mobile post blazz13 3-3-2021 087 blazz13 3-3-2021 00:05
Absolutely outstanding - a rich & rewarding film Mobile post ollie501 3-3-2021 089 ollie501 3-3-2021 00:05
It has it's moments, but generally weak (spoilers) Mobile post fsa10 3-3-2021 0102 fsa10 3-3-2021 00:05
Italian thriller teaches and enthralls Mobile post Solipsisticblog 3-3-2021 0101 Solipsisticblog 3-3-2021 00:05
Scary but interesting Mobile post gkeith_1 3-3-2021 0104 gkeith_1 3-3-2021 00:05
Salvatores, a great movie director. Mobile post davidtraversa-1 3-3-2021 097 davidtraversa-1 3-3-2021 00:05
No Carbon Copy Boy! Mobile post jcappy 3-3-2021 095 jcappy 3-3-2021 00:05
Subtle psychology is deep but accessible Mobile post tonyhale 3-3-2021 097 tonyhale 3-3-2021 00:05
One day when we were (really) young Mobile post harry_tk_yung 3-3-2021 084 harry_tk_yung 3-3-2021 00:05
A very satisfying European film Mobile post raymond-15 3-3-2021 075 raymond-15 3-3-2021 00:05
Moving and intelligent film filled with emotive scenes and touching set pieces ; being efficiently directed by Gabriele Salvatores Mobile post ma-cortes 3-3-2021 097 ma-cortes 3-3-2021 00:05
Who can you trust when everyone's a suspect? Mobile post Lady_Targaryen 3-3-2021 0106 Lady_Targaryen 3-3-2021 00:05
Original and Sensitive Story of Innocence and Compassion – An Unforgettable Gem Mobile post claudio_carvalho 3-3-2021 085 claudio_carvalho 3-3-2021 00:05
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