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Star Power Drives A Film that's Not Sure What it wants to be... Mobile post ijonesiii 4-3-2021 090 ijonesiii 4-3-2021 18:05
If it's supposed to be serious, it gives us nothing to build on... Mobile post moonspinner55 4-3-2021 095 moonspinner55 4-3-2021 18:05
Domestic trials of two losers is uneven mixture of comedy and drama... Mobile post Doylenf 4-3-2021 092 Doylenf 4-3-2021 18:05
" Love without irritation is just lust. Not that there's anything wrong with lust!" Mobile post TxMike 4-3-2021 073 TxMike 4-3-2021 18:05
Very good character study Mobile post whytwolf 4-3-2021 084 whytwolf 4-3-2021 18:05
One of my favourite film lines Mobile post oyvay 4-3-2021 0102 oyvay 4-3-2021 18:05
"The honeymoon's over. It's time to get married." Mobile post jzappa 4-3-2021 069 jzappa 4-3-2021 18:05
Disappointing Mobile post radomski-2 4-3-2021 081 radomski-2 4-3-2021 18:05
Boy--my taste must have been LOW as a kid:) Mobile post preppy-3 4-3-2021 091 preppy-3 4-3-2021 18:05
A Purr-fect Waste of Time Mobile post daveed-2 4-3-2021 089 daveed-2 4-3-2021 18:05
With Judy, you'll have a gay ole' time with this pretty kitty! Mobile post mark.waltz 4-3-2021 082 mark.waltz 4-3-2021 18:05
Judy Garland in Paris as a Cat! Mobile post JLRMovieReviews 4-3-2021 088 JLRMovieReviews 4-3-2021 18:05
An animated curiosity starring Judy Garland Mobile post jimjo1216 4-3-2021 085 jimjo1216 4-3-2021 18:05
Best suited for adults with an interest in animation Mobile post Wizard-8 4-3-2021 092 Wizard-8 4-3-2021 18:05
Fun and nice to look at, but rather hollow Mobile post funkyfry 4-3-2021 0102 funkyfry 4-3-2021 18:05
Pretty, Charming, but VERY Dated Mobile post lner4472-163-193065 4-3-2021 086 lner4472-163-193065 4-3-2021 18:05
This movie will always have a soft spot in my heart Mobile post storchs-900-7666 4-3-2021 085 storchs-900-7666 4-3-2021 18:05
two of the most important parts of popular culture finally meet (there's also a link to current events) Mobile post lee_eisenberg 4-3-2021 090 lee_eisenberg 4-3-2021 18:05
How I recall Mobile post Stebaer4 4-3-2021 083 Stebaer4 4-3-2021 18:05
C'est Magnifique! Mobile post GOWBTW 4-3-2021 0111 GOWBTW 4-3-2021 18:05
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