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A successful re-imagining of Daiei's Gamera franchise for all the right reasons Mobile post walkingwithprimeval 31-3-2021 0120 walkingwithprimeval 31-3-2021 18:05
Finally, a decent Gamera movie Mobile post gothicgoblin1334 31-3-2021 0124 gothicgoblin1334 31-3-2021 18:05
Good Introduction to Revive Gamera Trilogy. Mobile post OllieSuave-007 31-3-2021 0119 OllieSuave-007 31-3-2021 18:05
A hugely enjoyable Japanese giant monster mash Mobile post Woodyanders 31-3-2021 0134 Woodyanders 31-3-2021 18:05
NOT FIT FOR MST3K Mobile post bbrasher1 31-3-2021 0122 bbrasher1 31-3-2021 18:05
Great movie! Mobile post randartom 31-3-2021 0116 randartom 31-3-2021 18:05
Kaiju done right Mobile post bassplace88 31-3-2021 0116 bassplace88 31-3-2021 18:05
Watch it in Japanese with sub titles. Mobile post Gyaos 31-3-2021 0112 Gyaos 31-3-2021 18:05
Gamera the Flying turtle! Mobile post thanasmilios 31-3-2021 0117 thanasmilios 31-3-2021 18:05
the best starting place for Gamera Mobile post y-02311 31-3-2021 0128 y-02311 31-3-2021 18:05
A Masterpiece of Kaiju Filmmaking! Mobile post MlleLapisTortue 31-3-2021 0114 MlleLapisTortue 31-3-2021 18:05
The last hope, Gamera... Mobile post E102y 31-3-2021 0121 E102y 31-3-2021 18:05
good 90ish monster movie Mobile post r-c-s 31-3-2021 0112 r-c-s 31-3-2021 18:05
True competition for the Big G!! Mobile post Stevezilla 31-3-2021 0134 Stevezilla 31-3-2021 18:05
Didn't Disappoint !! Mobile post gigan-92 31-3-2021 0110 gigan-92 31-3-2021 18:05
A classic by any determination!! Mobile post Stevezilla 31-3-2021 0112 Stevezilla 31-3-2021 18:05
A honing of what's great about the genre. Mobile post thedorch 31-3-2021 0112 thedorch 31-3-2021 18:05
The other Big G is back Mobile post michael-turner13 31-3-2021 0126 michael-turner13 31-3-2021 18:05
A modern day classic kaijyu movie Mobile post ebiros2 31-3-2021 0117 ebiros2 31-3-2021 18:05
a magnificently entertaining monster movie; the start of a transformation that would evolve Gamera from just a Godzilla-want-to-be into his own character Mobile post TheUnknown837-1 31-3-2021 0108 TheUnknown837-1 31-3-2021 18:05
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