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everyone likes to be an impostor Mobile post lee_eisenberg 1-4-2021 0108 lee_eisenberg 1-4-2021 06:05
Like watching paint dry. Mobile post froeper 1-4-2021 0108 froeper 1-4-2021 06:05
Not as entertaining as the real story Mobile post one_salient_oversight 1-4-2021 0102 one_salient_oversight 1-4-2021 06:05
Disjointed, underwhelming and largely unnecessary tale still has plenty of guilty pleasure moments for film addicts Mobile post oneloveall 1-4-2021 0107 oneloveall 1-4-2021 06:05
I can't be more interested in this story than the people who made a movie about it Mobile post MBunge 1-4-2021 0104 MBunge 1-4-2021 06:05
A wonderful film,,,,,,,,, Mobile post marvinbluth 1-4-2021 093 marvinbluth 1-4-2021 06:05
Brilliant work by Malkovich Mobile post kmziebart 1-4-2021 099 kmziebart 1-4-2021 06:05
Good But Misconceived Mobile post samkan 1-4-2021 0101 samkan 1-4-2021 06:05
A misunderstood funny film Mobile post gisela-2 1-4-2021 099 gisela-2 1-4-2021 06:05
COLOUR ME KUBRICK - short and to the point. Mobile post rhettrospective 1-4-2021 0108 rhettrospective 1-4-2021 06:05
Can't recommend Mobile post manhimself 1-4-2021 0112 manhimself 1-4-2021 06:05
A masterful performance from Malcovich Mobile post elspethkrichardson 1-4-2021 0106 elspethkrichardson 1-4-2021 06:05
Malkovitch camps it up for Kubrick Fans. Mobile post johnmbale 1-4-2021 085 johnmbale 1-4-2021 06:05
Colourful, but very in your face Mobile post Chris_Docker 1-4-2021 0124 Chris_Docker 1-4-2021 06:05
An Exercise in Allusion Mobile post otaku777 1-4-2021 0125 otaku777 1-4-2021 06:05
Very "kubrickish" Mobile post imcrazy 1-4-2021 093 imcrazy 1-4-2021 06:05
Malkovich' s One Man Show Mobile post excalibur107 1-4-2021 0112 excalibur107 1-4-2021 06:05
Congrats to Tony Frewin Mobile post susan_glen28 1-4-2021 0109 susan_glen28 1-4-2021 06:05
tour de force for Malkovich Mobile post Buddy-51 1-4-2021 0120 Buddy-51 1-4-2021 06:05
You only need the 1st 3 minutes to know how good this is. Also, Paxton. Mobile post idontneedyourjunk 1-4-2021 0109 idontneedyourjunk 1-4-2021 04:55
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