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One of the worst movies I have seen this year Mobile post martin85-1 2-4-2021 0121 martin85-1 2-4-2021 00:05
Not a disaster, but very silly in places Mobile post russell396 2-4-2021 0105 russell396 2-4-2021 00:05
I have never, ever wanted to kill myself. Until now. Mobile post tom-1140 2-4-2021 0103 tom-1140 2-4-2021 00:05
Bad dialog, bad acting, weak script in this infection in space story. Mobile post suite92 2-4-2021 0111 suite92 2-4-2021 00:05
Not enough characters Mobile post cudahawk 2-4-2021 0119 cudahawk 2-4-2021 00:05
is there such a thing as C movie? Mobile post Invalid-User-Id 2-4-2021 097 Invalid-User-Id 2-4-2021 00:05
Low budget Prometheus here Mobile post Cine_Virus 2-4-2021 0118 Cine_Virus 2-4-2021 00:05
Worst movie Christian Slater ever played in Mobile post torivar_s 2-4-2021 0110 torivar_s 2-4-2021 00:05
Harsh for even DTV Mobile post Tyypo 2-4-2021 0110 Tyypo 2-4-2021 00:05
It's okay I guess; I HAVE seen a lot worse... Mobile post lathe-of-heaven 2-4-2021 0107 lathe-of-heaven 2-4-2021 00:05
Christian Slater needs Money! Mobile post flypoorer 2-4-2021 0130 flypoorer 2-4-2021 00:05
Hahahahahaha Mobile post matt1138-66-278679 2-4-2021 0111 matt1138-66-278679 2-4-2021 00:05
A movie for huge sci-fi fans only. Tried so hard to be Aliens but fell way short. I thought it was slow and boring. I say C- Mobile post cosmo_tiger 2-4-2021 0104 cosmo_tiger 2-4-2021 00:05
Bad acting and even worse writing Mobile post jeff-in-singapore 2-4-2021 095 jeff-in-singapore 2-4-2021 00:05
Miniatures and Practical makeup put this a notch above a SyFy Channel production. Mobile post mjconway1 2-4-2021 0112 mjconway1 2-4-2021 00:05
Beyond words Mobile post colman01 2-4-2021 0100 colman01 2-4-2021 00:05
A shockingly bad movie that should be avoided. Mobile post barrymcconville 2-4-2021 0100 barrymcconville 2-4-2021 00:05
"You've been exposed to chemicals: HIT THE SHOWERS!" Mobile post Patient444 2-4-2021 096 Patient444 2-4-2021 00:05
Lame Déjàvu Mobile post claudio_carvalho 2-4-2021 0104 claudio_carvalho 2-4-2021 00:05
Sadly this movie is terrible Mobile post sws-697-699154 2-4-2021 0101 sws-697-699154 2-4-2021 00:05
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