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Learning and living Mobile post kosmasp 2-4-2021 0123 kosmasp 2-4-2021 04:11
China just can't get it right Mobile post Leofwine_draca 2-4-2021 0108 Leofwine_draca 2-4-2021 04:11
It's neither fish nor fowl. Mobile post yoggwork 2-4-2021 0151 yoggwork 2-4-2021 04:11
A dao shi apprentice goes to the city and begins a very dramatic life with several masters. Mobile post adamliang41 2-4-2021 0100 adamliang41 2-4-2021 04:11
4/10 A masterpiece in how to ruin great potential. Mobile post shide_85 2-4-2021 0114 shide_85 2-4-2021 04:11
A very odd mash-up between Kung-Fu Hustle and Forrest Gump Mobile post moritzmeyerautor 2-4-2021 0129 moritzmeyerautor 2-4-2021 04:11
Easily the best thing I've seen in years Mobile post funismyname 2-4-2021 0127 funismyname 2-4-2021 04:11
Not bad at all Mobile post george-swg 2-4-2021 0102 george-swg 2-4-2021 04:11
You need to experience both GOOD and BAD films ... Mobile post A_Different_Drummer 2-4-2021 0114 A_Different_Drummer 2-4-2021 04:11
Boring movie Mobile post wrd-03282 2-4-2021 0109 wrd-03282 2-4-2021 04:07
Pathetic Movie Mobile post imamarpaul-04191 2-4-2021 0117 imamarpaul-04191 2-4-2021 04:07
Very bad experience Mobile post gauravmishra-82264 2-4-2021 0126 gauravmishra-82264 2-4-2021 04:07
Chor Gupta can't do chori anymore Mobile post nevermind_87 2-4-2021 0105 nevermind_87 2-4-2021 04:07
Powerful performance Mobile post huntermaya-40990 2-4-2021 0100 huntermaya-40990 2-4-2021 04:07
Boring, Repetitive and Un-engaging.. Mobile post santusarkar-91819 2-4-2021 0114 santusarkar-91819 2-4-2021 04:07
Never paying for Bollywood movie again Mobile post laceup-96849 2-4-2021 0112 laceup-96849 2-4-2021 04:07
Awesome Mobile post vikas-88016 2-4-2021 0109 vikas-88016 2-4-2021 04:07
Just one word review:::: Mobile post dharmishmehta-13151 2-4-2021 0115 dharmishmehta-13151 2-4-2021 04:07
The movie was much better than expected Mobile post praveenmandloi-55157 2-4-2021 0118 praveenmandloi-55157 2-4-2021 04:07
My rating 5.2/10 Mobile post soumyadeepkashyap 2-4-2021 0111 soumyadeepkashyap 2-4-2021 04:07
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