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Not So Bad Mobile post glgioia 3-4-2021 0127 glgioia 3-4-2021 00:05
Terror on the High C+ Mobile post rogueisland 3-4-2021 0106 rogueisland 3-4-2021 00:05
Fun Rubbish...But Rubbish Nonetheless Mobile post BaronBl00d 3-4-2021 0112 BaronBl00d 3-4-2021 00:05
Shiver Me Timbers!!!!! Mobile post G-Man-25 3-4-2021 0122 G-Man-25 3-4-2021 00:05
Wait for the DVD Mobile post lazarillo 3-4-2021 0135 lazarillo 3-4-2021 00:05
Superior Giallo and a must see for fans of Italian cinema Mobile post The_Void 3-4-2021 0127 The_Void 3-4-2021 00:05
One of the stellar Gialli in the genre Mobile post kannibalcorpsegrinder 3-4-2021 099 kannibalcorpsegrinder 3-4-2021 00:05
Really great giallo Mobile post BandSAboutMovies 3-4-2021 0103 BandSAboutMovies 3-4-2021 00:05
Definitey a watch - but it;s not one of the greats Mobile post ewolfw 3-4-2021 0106 ewolfw 3-4-2021 00:05
Excellent Debut Giallo From Sergio Martino Mobile post EVOL666 3-4-2021 097 EVOL666 3-4-2021 00:05
Sergio Martino excels with his debut giallo! Mobile post Snake-666 3-4-2021 0116 Snake-666 3-4-2021 00:05
Decent Giallo and worth checking out. But slow, and very much like a soap opera. The story sucked. Mobile post Bababooe 3-4-2021 0102 Bababooe 3-4-2021 00:05
Stylish, violent and sexy. Mobile post MOscarbradley 3-4-2021 0102 MOscarbradley 3-4-2021 00:05
Love this film...sergio martino was a great film maker.. Mobile post joshjack-35680 3-4-2021 0100 joshjack-35680 3-4-2021 00:05
The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh Mobile post Scarecrow-88 3-4-2021 0101 Scarecrow-88 3-4-2021 00:05
Excellent thriller Mobile post ODDBear 3-4-2021 092 ODDBear 3-4-2021 00:05
Excellent Giallo Mobile post jeanlevy 3-4-2021 091 jeanlevy 3-4-2021 00:05
Above average giallo fare with Fenech in top form Mobile post jadavix 3-4-2021 0104 jadavix 3-4-2021 00:05
Fine Italian-Spanish Giallo packed with thrills , chills ,intrigue and plot twists Mobile post ma-cortes 3-4-2021 0118 ma-cortes 3-4-2021 00:05
excellent giallo, that had been made to look poor previously by poor quality videos Mobile post FieCrier 3-4-2021 0100 FieCrier 3-4-2021 00:05
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