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The best of the Series! Mobile post The Creeper 6-4-2021 0107 The Creeper 6-4-2021 02:03
Great! Mobile post HumanoidOfFlesh 6-4-2021 0118 HumanoidOfFlesh 6-4-2021 02:03
The absolute top in action-horror. Mobile post F. Gabitsch 6-4-2021 0121 F. Gabitsch 6-4-2021 02:03
Does not pack quite a punch as the first, but is still fun as hell! Mobile post Bob_Balaban 6-4-2021 0124 Bob_Balaban 6-4-2021 02:03
All I gotta say is Reggie is the man. Mobile post xAdiosKMFDM 6-4-2021 0107 xAdiosKMFDM 6-4-2021 02:03
A fine example of how a good sequel should be Mobile post Gabaldon 6-4-2021 0105 Gabaldon 6-4-2021 02:03
probably the best in the best horror series ever!!! Mobile post KrowbOy 6-4-2021 0128 KrowbOy 6-4-2021 02:03
Lots of Blood & Plenty of GORE! Mobile post whpratt1 6-4-2021 0126 whpratt1 6-4-2021 02:03
Best Horror Movie Ever? Mobile post cb_cal 6-4-2021 0117 cb_cal 6-4-2021 02:03
Heck Yeah! Mobile post trey333 6-4-2021 0105 trey333 6-4-2021 02:03
Haunting, superior sequel despite compromises (minor spoilers) Mobile post hauntedwoods 6-4-2021 0111 hauntedwoods 6-4-2021 02:03
Very amusing despite the plot flaws Mobile post EllisDee 6-4-2021 0126 EllisDee 6-4-2021 02:03
Reggie Rules, and LeGros is an Improvement Mobile post supercygnus 6-4-2021 0116 supercygnus 6-4-2021 02:03
A worthy sequel Mobile post AlsExGal 6-4-2021 0102 AlsExGal 6-4-2021 02:03
An action sequel Mobile post CuriosityKilledShawn 6-4-2021 0107 CuriosityKilledShawn 6-4-2021 02:03
Provide Suspension of Disbelief&You'll Probably Get a Nice Kick Out of P-2 Mobile post KissEnglishPasto 6-4-2021 0111 KissEnglishPasto 6-4-2021 02:03
Not enough story for a movie Mobile post phd_travel 6-4-2021 0116 phd_travel 6-4-2021 01:57
Perfectly average "feel good" movie Mobile post JupiHornet 6-4-2021 0105 JupiHornet 6-4-2021 01:57
A Splendid Story! Mobile post Jazzie-too 6-4-2021 0118 Jazzie-too 6-4-2021 01:57
Wonderful, guilty fun Mobile post editguy 6-4-2021 0105 editguy 6-4-2021 01:34
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