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Don't read the critic reviews, see it for yourself! Mobile post femalefilmmaker 7-4-2021 0122 femalefilmmaker 7-4-2021 00:05
Great early Euro western Mobile post christopherholderness 6-4-2021 0118 christopherholderness 6-4-2021 18:06
Far better than expected Mobile post Leofwine_draca 6-4-2021 0107 Leofwine_draca 6-4-2021 18:06
Italian western imitating American style Mobile post entomol71 6-4-2021 0108 entomol71 6-4-2021 18:06
The Spaghetti Western in its Earliest Incarnation Mobile post zardoz-13 6-4-2021 0117 zardoz-13 6-4-2021 18:06
Decent Spaghetti/Paella/Schnitzel Western co-produced between Italy /Spain/Germany plenty of action , pursuits and lots of shots Mobile post ma-cortes 6-4-2021 0105 ma-cortes 6-4-2021 18:05
Good but not great early spaghetti... Mobile post heybhc 6-4-2021 0113 heybhc 6-4-2021 18:05
Very poor straight to DVD actioner Mobile post davideo-2 6-4-2021 0104 davideo-2 6-4-2021 18:05
Movie for a Certain Genre of Audiences Mobile post marke-hockeyman 6-4-2021 0105 marke-hockeyman 6-4-2021 18:05
Whoever shot this film should be shot Mobile post ajfurness 6-4-2021 0105 ajfurness 6-4-2021 18:05
Gun; a must see Mobile post fotobiz 6-4-2021 0101 fotobiz 6-4-2021 18:05
Worthy of it's low rating Mobile post Seth_Rogue_One 6-4-2021 0103 Seth_Rogue_One 6-4-2021 18:05
Gun, not a lot of kick, but it hits its target Mobile post travthompson 6-4-2021 0116 travthompson 6-4-2021 18:05
If there was a movie here, I missed it. Mobile post doom1701 6-4-2021 0114 doom1701 6-4-2021 18:05
A Potboiler with Firepower and a Strong Cast Mobile post zardoz-13 6-4-2021 0107 zardoz-13 6-4-2021 18:05
a collection of cringeworthy cliche's Mobile post kiowhatta 6-4-2021 0105 kiowhatta 6-4-2021 18:05
NOT THAT BAD Mobile post nogodnomasters 6-4-2021 0120 nogodnomasters 6-4-2021 18:05
The only good thing is that it's short. Mobile post Prashast_Singh 6-4-2021 0113 Prashast_Singh 6-4-2021 18:05
Not the worst, but still not worth the time Mobile post Shattered_Wake 6-4-2021 0120 Shattered_Wake 6-4-2021 18:05
Not Terrible but not great. Acting and plot are pretty lame. Mobile post cosmo_tiger 6-4-2021 0108 cosmo_tiger 6-4-2021 18:05
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