Dony Publish time 3-12-2019 00:57:44

She'll be like half the N.I population, including myself who have an Irish passport but a UK registered vehicle.

mikes48 Publish time 3-12-2019 00:57:44

Hope your wife (if she isn't Irish herself) can get a certified copy of photo ID of her parent/grandparent (if she's following that route, that is).

My daughter is doing the same, based on her 94 year old grandmother's Irish birth. We're struggling a bit on that because the gran, my Mum, has no official photo ID, not even a bus pass, and the Consulate's position is "no document - no passport" .

We'll find a solution, I hope .

MrSossidge Publish time 3-12-2019 00:57:45

Her Dad is Irish. We have his Birth Certificate so should be OK as far as we can tell from the application.
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