Downinja Publish time 2-12-2019 23:26:08

The Unneccesary Upgrade Desire

So last night playing around with a little NUC box I have realised that the "super" hub that virgin provide is, for want of a better phrase, a bag of balls.

Sat where it normally sits wifi download speeds are ~10MB/s

Sat plugged in via ethernet 44MB/s

Now I know nothing I do on that box will really see a massive advantage from the increased speed (just like when I moved from 200Mb to 350Mb), but something in me says GET A NEW ROUTER!

I am sure everyone else must have the desire to upgrade things without good reason, so what is your unnecessary upgrade desire?

EndlessWaves Publish time 2-12-2019 23:26:09

I'm not sure what the wi-fi card is in your NUC, but if it's a 1x1 then the 80Mb/s you're getting may be best you can hope for from any router.

Downinja Publish time 2-12-2019 23:26:10


Line of sight and 3 feet away gives about 30MB

So not restricted by NUC hardware, but you are right it was worth testing 
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