What is this called?
I've been using these multi-meters for as long as I can remember, and the 'spring' has become damaged! I'm wondering if anyone knows what it is called? I'm not looking to buy a new wire, but if I could replace just the damaged section it would save some hassle! Any ideas? They're 4mm banana plugs, I presume they were shrouded leads (a plastic sleeve covering the plug) which is fairly standard for meter leadsA search for 4mm shrouded banana plug should.
TBH meter leads are easily and cheaply available I'd suggest just buying a set. Thank you!
I am looking at getting new leads regardless, but being the curious sod I am I wondered if I could just buy the shroud (as I now know it's called).
Thanks again! The bent metal bit isn't the shroud. The shroud is the plastic bit that hides the metal from view which is also missing in that photo (although they may have been unshrouded plugs). They were unshrouded
We have resolved the issue by just buying the connector at the end to experiment with changing the 'spring' from one to the other.
Thank you both  I'd suggest getting new shrouded leads anyway, I'd say those leads actually look like the plastic has snapped off, the issue is the plugs are a friction fit so are relatively easy to pull out of the meter which gives the possibility of shorting out whatever it is you're measuring with the meter. A problem if you're measuring voltages. We have invested into new leads, after further searching there isn't necessarily a name for the 'spring' part that allowed a better connection. How unfortunate! Hey ho,
Thank you all anyway