The use of power supplies today
We all have at our house electronic devices wich all of them have a power supply. But how it works? The house gives you 110Volt(US) 220VoltEurope Alternative current. Small devices dontwork with this big Voltages so we have the Transformer with 2 coils and a core. With 120 Volt we tranform it 12 volt because the first coil has 100 cιrcles and the second has 10 circles. After that we have to make alternative current to direct current with a bridge of four diodes. After that a big capasitor makes the voltage flat. After there is the Voltage regulator wich brings down the voltage a little but gives the extra voltage to extra current thanks for the information. I guess this is the reason sometimes our gadget got burn if they don't transform from AC to DC? Sorry Panos I know you mean well but that is incorrect.Modern power supplies are nearly all switched mode which is completely different, the type you are describing are called linear power supplies.
Also, the term is 'alternating current' not alternative current. Damage to equipment is caused when the supply voltage is too high. sorry ok alternative I am Greek You know thats nothing a small fault at my document my mind was travelling that time I guess. I wrote what I teached 25 years before and I dont know what is happening now at power supplies and thats the role of Voltage Regulator to prevent us from damage frome hi voltage. Thank you chief for the hospitality! Ah, thank you.
Take a look at switched mode power supplies, they are quite interesting.
That will do I suppose what about if the supply voltage is low? It won't function correctly and damage is very unlikely. thanks 