Any idea what this volume button is on this youtube video
Guys as above just wondering anybody call tell me what button this guy is using for controlling his Alexa/Sonos speakers here?Cheers in advance. God only knows, but my voice works across the room and changes the volume beautifully lol, but its just for the mrs when she walks in and my music is booming  Nuimo, looks to be sold out at present Senic - Nuimo Control Starter Kit
was a kickstarter originally Nuimo: Seamless Smart Home Interface Cheers @THANATOSGRATUS for that, my god I like my gadgets but £300 for that, pass  @BritanniaJafHad a quick search on ebay there is one brand new (bargain) Nuimo By Scenic Smart Home Controller for Sonos and Hue| eBay
and a a used currently double the price of the newNuimo, Smart Home Controller for Sonos and Hue| eBay Got TBH @THANATOSGRATUS even 65 plus P&P still seems a bit excessive in my opinion, was thinking £30 maybe 40 tops but anything beyond that seems a bit ridiculous.
What you think about that price? £60 would be the most I would pay if I would make use of all the integration it can support but someone will will probably release something better down the line but £30ish for a physical Sonos remote isn't bad.