SCAM WARNING! Fake SD cards sold on eBay.
SCAM WARNING! Fake SD cards sold on eBay.I've always been a careful eBayer, I look at feedback before ordering, I never order from sellers with little / no reputation and I usually don't just pick the cheapest option. So when I received a batch of SD cards from a seller with over 20k positive feedback and a 98.5% average I was surprised to discover they were all counterfeit.
I tested the SD cards with a program called FakeFlashTest, they all failed with numerous errors & warnings. After returning the SD cards and receiving my refund from the seller, I bought the same type genuine SD cards from Argos and repeated the test to compare. They not only passed, but completed the test in about 3 seconds flat.
The SD cards I bought were supposed to be 64GB SanDisk; from an eBay seller called allkilt (Store name: ALL KILT). They don't hold the stated capacity, are horrendously slow and corrupt once the "real" capacity is full. This seller has sold over 800 of these fake SD cards, plus thousands of other types. It seems many sellers trading on eBay are selling counterfeit memory cards so BEWARE!
Dan. just buy from a reputable company and avoid all the nonsense there cheap as chips now adays You have to be really careful with what you buy on websites like Ebay nowadays!  I'd avoid anything like this from Ebay and just go straight to the brand's own sites. You can't buy direct from the manufacturer's own sites and if you could you'd be paying top dollar as they say.