Publish time 2-12-2019 23:19:01
Whats the model numbers and how much are you looking for?
Publish time 2-12-2019 23:19:01
another thing to consider is because of the fluff build-up and nature of washing machines, they are somewhat susceptible to fire. low risk, but it's recommended you are home when it runs so that you are able to intervene immediately if anything overheats/catches fire. If you're out the house, unless you have one of those smart smoke alarms, the fire has time to develop and cause damage.
similarly dishwashers - run them whilst you're around and not out/asleep
Publish time 2-12-2019 23:19:01
I suspect you may be talking about home plugs and not smart plugs. Two very different things
Publish time 2-12-2019 23:19:01
I was!!I thought that had been deleted by mods but what the message I got said must have meant the post was deleted where I said I had posted that one in the wrong thread!! Should have been in another thread that was about home plugs 