Change LNB on new SKY Dish?
Hi, Had SKY install a new SKY box Q and Dish at the start of the month, but deceided to have it switched off so sent the box back, I'm now thinking of buying a Freesat Recorder "Humax Freesat Recorder" as I might want to record some program through the night, and the following LNB from Amazon : says "Sky 6 Way Hybrid LNB for Q/HD" I've noticed there are only 2 cables going to the Dish, can anybody tell me when I remove the Q LNB and replace it with the new one from Amazon, which 2 sockets do I attach the SKY cables to on the LNB? as I want to recieve SD as well as HD on my Freesat box..;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 The new LNB is a hybrid one and has 2 outputs for a Q box and 4 outputs for normal sky/Freesat.
Connect to any 2 of the 4 normal outputs making sure to not use either connection designated for Q. I have the normal Humax Recorder which records all my Freeview Channels, but considering moving over to the Humax Freesat Box, what can I expect that I can't get with Freeview ?? would the quality be any better ? or is it just the usual SD and a few HD channels thrown in..