Ring Spotlight Cam Battery Review & Comments
We take a look at Ring's slimmer version of their feature rich external camera solution with 1080P Full HD video, night vision, two way talk and 700 lumens spotlights.Read the review.
Write your own review for Ring Spotlight Cam Battery This is included in the Amazon prime deals day thing. On my screen it is on for £139, expiring mid day tomorrow (Wednesday 18th) at noon UK time.
I'm going to give it a go, since we have the doorbell and the chime extender which should allow connection from the back garden.
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"One pie to feed them all, and in the piecrust bind them!"  So is the theft refund built into the price or not? At the beginning you say it is then at the end you says it’s £80 with the premium cloud account
It’s a nice and simple device for sure, but pretty pricey after the Prime Day deal and I hear need a very good Wi-fi signal.
I just bought (Prime Day) a well rated 4 camera system with Wi-fi booster and 1tb storage for £215. Sure it needs drilling and power, but once they are up that’s it’s and basically unlimited recording. Just hope it all works of course.
Sadly though we have have security camera industry that is massively growing and at least Ring are trying to make it easy to get evidence since without it your generally screwed. I've got a few of these dotted around the house now and they work well.
Ring doorbell is excellent and the floodlight camera again a great device. I've not had any wifi issues and my router is on one side of the house and three cameras in different places. I've also got the solar panel that is keeping once camera fully topped up.
The none floodlight camera non wired is the worst of the lot. Still good but its not as clever at detecting image changes and relies on the PIR no the base for detections so thus then has limitations.
And yes my understanding is if you want the theft protection / damage cover its £80 a year, not great but overall a really good setup and great to avoid answering the door to doorstop sellers. Part of the Premium Cloud service at £80 includes lifetime warranty. That includes if it is ever damaged or stolen.
But, free to all Ring users is the free replacement service if the unit is stolen.
What to do if Your Ring Device is Stolen
Providing you follow the procedure in that link, Ring will replace it for free. Got one of these for the in-laws and they're very happy with it. It's priced well and very easy to set up. The app is also very easy for anyone to use. Yes you can get cheaper camera system with it's own storage ect ect, but if you want easy to use at a good price then I don't think you can go wrong with ring. We currently have four cameras on our subscription and will look to add the alarm system to it once it is release in the UK. The £80 a year subscription is a freaking steal in my opinion. It turns out that when you set up a ring account and individual devices it's crucial to have exactly the same address in exactly the same format for it to all work properly. I had a small discrepancy and it took an hour with (a very patient and supportive) ring support chap to sort.